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2000 Volts (Big Bad Voodoo Daddy)

He's got a sharkskin suit And a diamond earring he's got jet black hair Just like his mother He's got a jail tattoo, from his long-lost brother He's got a shotgun fuse, don't you pull his trigger Broke from jail without a gun Public enemy number one killed a man on the run On the lam without bail headed straight back to jail Nowhere else for him to go daddy-o, daddy-o He's gonna make his mark at a vegas hotel He rolls snake eyes down He's gonna make his money But he's headin' west, on a killin' spree Down in L.A., you know the killin's free Broke from jail without a gun Public enemy number one killed a man on the run On the lam without bail headed straight back to jail Nowhere else for him to go daddy-o, daddy-o He was born on the 4th of july the kind of guy When he spoke to you He stared you straight in the eye you know, man When he walked into the room you would feel it And man when he walked in the room It sounded like this He got a hundred years, and the electric chair His final words were, I don't care Broke from jail without a gun Public enemy number one killed a man on the run On the lam without bail headed straight back to jail Nowhere else for him to go daddy-o, daddy-o Daddy-o Daddy-o Daddy-o The way the legend goes is he was executed shortly after midnight Some witnesses say, he seemed to be enjoying himself One witness said he died with a smile on his face He was one bad, bad man