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Chernobyl (Highasakite)

I dreamt you gave me a bottle of wine. Homeless as I am, you left at once. My baby left a note, my baby left a note. My baby left a note, my baby left a note. When I came home to Chernobyl, I am the bomb. I dream of nothing. When I came home to Chernobyl, I am the bomb. I dream of nothing. Chernobyl, Chernobyl. I dreamt of embassies with warning flags. Ruthless as I am, I hunted you down. My baby left the sign, my baby left the sign. My baby left the sign, my baby left the sign. When I came home to Chernobyl, I am the bomb. I dream of nothing. When I came home to Chernobyl, I am the bomb. I dream of nothing. Chernobyl, Chernobyl. Chernobyl, Chernobyl. (I dream of nothing.)