Irene, jdi spát


   G            D7               G 
R: Irene, jdi spát, Irene, jdi spát, 
                          C       Ami   D7             G 
   jdi spát, Irene, jdi spát, Irene, a nech si o mně zdát. 
        G               D7 
1. Já přišel si o tebe říct, 
   tvá máma hnala mě ven, 
                             C      Ami 
   ať koukám prej dál svojí cestou jít 
      D7                  G 
   a víckrát se nevracím sem. 
2. Já nejsem farmář, to vím, 
   jsem tulák a toulám se rád, 
   spím, kde se dá, suchej chleba jím, 
   je psí život takhle se štvát. 
3. Vzal čert tenhle proklatej kraj, 
   vzal čert tenhle bláznivej den, 
   až hvězdy zhasnou, já řeknu jen: 
   buď sbohem, má Irene, good night. 
                       original lyrics by John Lomax (1950) 
Irene, goodnight 
Irene, goodnight 
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene 
I'll see you in my dreams 
Well last saturday night I got married, 
Me and my wife settled down 
Well now me and my wife are parted, 
I'm gonna take another stroll downtown 
Some folks they like their sugar 
Some folks they like their wine 
Some folks love their music 
And they sing it all the time 
Stop your rambling, why don't you stop your gambling 
Well stop your staying out so late at night 
Go home to your wife and family 
Stay there by the fireside bright 
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene 
I'll see you in my dreams 
