Serpent Of The Midnight Sun


Sept-Dracronic star raised in culmination above the dying 
earth, at each point a devil crowned with a hundred 
blazing suns, like so many flaming spear points born from 
black oceans of naught. Sidereal phantasmagoric host 
heralded from the abyss by the resonance of the first 
cosmic Utterance. Fulgurous princes of tribulation 
enshrined upon thrones of burning horns, seated above 
visages of fury and scorn, the seven faces of the 
Devourer who slithers through the black between the 

I pray before the yawning maws of gluttonous ruin, the 
divinity that shall swallow the heavens and sunder the 
earth drowning all within the infinite ocean of darkness. 
I give praise unto the seven daimons of the abyss, the 
earth, and the twilight of this aeon's end. The lidless 
gaze of the Eye of Typhon, an ebon igneous orb suspended 
within the dark immensity of empty cosmos falls upon me. 
The Autarch of the First and of the Last awakens within 
me and I know attainment of the heights within the voidal 
perfection of deep Tehom.
