Space Cake


Eat the Space Cake and feel better
Fly into the Fourth Dimension
Eat the Space Cake and feel better
Fly into the Fourth Dimension

Space cake Space cake Space cake! 
Eat it Eat it Eat it! 
Space cake Space cake Space cake! 
Eat it Eat it Eat it! 
Space cake Space cake Space cake! 
Eat it Eat it Eat it! 
Space cake Space cake Space cake! 
Eat it Eat it Eat it! 


Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 

Fly into the Fourth Dimension! 
Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 
Fly into the Fourth Dimension! 
Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 
Fly into the Fourth Dimension! 
Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 
Fly into the Fourth Dimension! 
Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 
Fly into the Fourth Dimension! 
Eat the Space Cake and feel better! 
Fly into the Fourth Dimension!
